Draft Minutes from the FMD workshop, March 2004.


  1. V0: It was decided to shorten the fibers and thus move the PM’s inside the L3 magnet. This entails the use of suitable PM tubes able to sustain a 0.4 T field. Potential candidates are Hamamatsu-tubes or fine mesh tubes (Russian) as adopted by the T0. It appears that Bicron scintillators and fibers give the best result. The segmentation is not yet settled. In order to proceed a table listing, no. of segment, price, performance pro and cons for various granularities (i.e 2 X12, 2X18, 2X 24) is needed. The choice of method to couple fibers to scintillators is not settled yet. There may be a preference for an arrangement with fibers inserted in grooves covering both surfaces. Lab. Tests are needed to clarify this. The V0 should also provide a TRD pre-trigger, an arrangement similar to that of T0 should be possible. 
  2. T0: The latency of the TRD pre-trigger has been shortened by moving the ‘shoeboxes’ inside L3. A TRD pre-trigger unit will be constructed jointly by the T0 and TRD groups. The radiator will be quartz. The radiator diameter is not yet decided, but there seems to be a preference for 3 cm diameter. There was discussion on the RO needs of the T0, namely on how much info should be written on tape. The issue will be explored by discussion with the CPT and DAQ groups.
  3. FMD: the RCU placement was discussed. Based on the subsequent presentation by L. Musa on radiation issues  it was decided to go for a placement of the RCU closer to the detectors. The radiation level should only be a factor of 2 higher than for the innermost TPC-RCU’S. The advantage is that  the existing parallel bus between the digitizer cards and the RCU can be used without modification. The details of the placement should be coordinated with the ITS group. The pre-amp. cards will be constructed by IDEAS. A custom FMD- digitizer card will be developed at NBI.
  4. L. Musa and L. Simonettis presentations can be found on the FMD home page (fmd.nbi.dk).
  5. Alla Maievskaia mentioned that the next level of simulations including detailed digitization of detector hits is coming up. Work is needed in this area.
  6. TDR: After some discussion it was agreed by all that a TDR should be available for printing for the October LHCC meeting. This requires that the final and formatted manuscript  is available by mid September 2004. It was further agreed that very complete formatted drafts will be available by the Colmar Alice week in June. Yiota Foka will reserve the printing shop for mid September and will assist with cover layout, editorial guidance, proof reading etc.

