Minutes of the FMD workshop, 11- September-2001, CERN.
By Jens Jørgen Gaardhøje, NBI.
Agenda for the FMD meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at CERN.
Approval of agenda and minutes of last meeting
Integration. L. Leistam (09.10-09.25)
FMD design overview. JJG (09.25-09.50)
Si-FMD Background simulations. A.
Maievskaia (09.50-10.15)
Si-FMD FE and RO electronics. B.S.Nielsen (10.15-10.40)
6. Si Prototype. A. Angelis/NN (11.00-11.25)
7. T0 status. V.Grigoriev/ H. Trzaska (11.25-11.50)
8. V0 status J.Y.Grossiord/L. Montano (11.50-12.15)
PMD news. Y. Viyogi (?) (12.15-12.30)
Formation of TDR writing group. JJG+all (12.30-13.00)
11. AOB
- The minutes from the previous
meeting in May (29-05-2001) were
approved without comments.
- JJG presented the current
design overview of the FMD. The geometry was discussed. The 3.5 cm inner
radius was felt to be too restrictive. An inner envelope for the Si-FMD
was agreed upon with the beam-pipe people. Accordingly, the details of the
Si-ring geometry must be fine tuned again. The placement of Si1,2 and 3
was agreed upon at the few cm level. The pseudorapidity coverage will be
around –5.4 to –1.6 on the left side and 1.6 to 3 on the right side. New
results from BRAHMS/RHIC at 200GeV show a total of approx. 5000 charged
particles at that energy. Scaling of the pseudorapidity density
distributions to the LHC range suggests that the coverage of the Si-FMD is
adequate to cover the non-fragmentation region. The segmentation of the Si
system was discussed again. It appears desirable to increase the segmentation
of the inner rings to 256 strips (see also item 4). This will be explored.
The Si-FMD design is now sufficiently settled that specifications can be
listed and first industrial bids should be sought in the next few months.
- LL showed the latest design of
the beam pipe. The integration team will continue to try to reduce the
amount of material associated with the pipe system. A model is being built
for the ITS, FMD, muon absorber region. In a subsequent meeting a
collision between ITS support structures and the Si-FMD was recognized.
Also a massive steel cooling water manifold for the ITS in the acceptance
of the FMD detectors was identified. To avoid such problems a coordination
group consisting of Ch. Gregory (CERN),
Børge Svane N. (FMD) and Flavio Tosello (ITS) was formed later in the week. The manifold is now
removed from the acceptance and the ITS and beam pipe mounting frames are
being revisited.
- AM showed the latest
simulations of the background. The latest ALIROOT version is used. The
density of particles per detector strip (128 strips) in the inner rings
closest to the IP reach 12 part/strip. This may be too high and it will be
considered to double the segmentation. Background levels are approx.
40-50% in Si1-2 outer rings, approx 20-30% in Si1-2 inner rings and
200-300% in Si3. Specific sources
of background can be identified and should be minimized. F. ex. A ring at
about –240cm from the IP. At the
present time there is still no precise description of the material in
front of the FMD detectors from the ITS (Cables, cooling etc. ) This must
be included in the near future. On the other hand the FMD mounting
structures and services must also be included in the simulations. NBI will
start realistic designs of Si-frame structures. INR will start studying
the mounting of the T0 detectors.
- BSN discussed the electronics.
The Si-FMD will not provide a LVL 0 trigger. The usefulness of a LVL 1
trigger participation is marginal. It was decided not to push this unless
an elegant and simple technical solution arises. The FE electronics
choices are narrowing down to the VIKING chips of IDEAS Norway. A possible
increase in the segmentation to 256 strips was discussed. Perhaps the
segmentation of the outer rings could also be increased at low cost and
small increased complexity. In that case it might be advantageous to
double the PHI segmentation by
subdividing sensors (wafers) electrically into two halves as for the inner
ruing sensors. This is important for flow studies. Services to Si
detectors will be defined ASAP after further consultation with IDEAS.
- Nothing particular to report on
this item. The participation of the Athens groups in the design of the
backend (BE) RO electronics and DAQ system was discussed. An interest was
declared to participate more actively in this, still undefined, part of
the system. In particular systematic work is required to investigate the
interfacing with the overall ALICE DAQ and RO system and define a
- The financing of the T0 is now
assured by the Finnish group. MOU’s will be updated accordingly. The T0
will be built jointly by Jyvæskyla and MEPHI. It was decided to purchase
two tubes from Hamamatsu and two Russian tubes and move on to realistic
beam tests of timing resolution. The trigger and RO scheme for the T0
detectors was discussed. It was stressed that each PM must be read out
with E, T into ADC’s and TDC’s for off line analysis (slewing corrections
etc.). On line vertex and timing information is important. A new trigger
and RO scheme must be established before the next meeting to demonstrate
the required functionality and to assess the cost and complexity.
- No particular news. The urgent
need for a RO and trigger scheme from VO was stressed.
- No particular news.
- JJG stressed the need to move
on to the TRD level. This is also desired by ALICE. A discussion ensued regarding the need
for beam tests etc. for a TRD and regarding the format. It was agreed that
a pre-TRD should be written even without extensive prototyping information
available. Time scale is Xmas. A decision on when to publish must be taken
later. In any case a succinct document summarizing the many design
considerations made in the last year is needed urgently. It was decided
that a TRD includes the Si-FMD, T0 and V0 as these detector share trigger
and physics capabilities. JJG was empowered to produce a draft list of
chapters and suggest a writing group. Fine tuning and adjustment can take
place by email.
- FMD group members are strongly encouraged to submit their
transparencies in electronic form to Borge Svane N. (borge@nbi.dk) to be
placed on the FMD home page.
PS: These
recommendation were subsequently presented by JJG at the Technical Board. The
decisions were endorsed.